Image Resizer : API Documentation

Type QuerystringBase<TK>

Namespace ImageResizer.Collections

Parent NameValueCollection

Public instance methods

void Add(NameValueCollection c)

void Add(string name, string value)

void Clear()

void CopyTo(Array dest, int index)

string Get(int index)

string Get(string name)

Nullable<T> Get<T>(string name)

Provides culture-invariant parsing of byte, int, double, float, bool, and enum values.

T Get<T>(string name, T defaultValue)

Provides culture-invariant parsing of byte, int, double, float, bool, and enum values.

Nullable<T> Get<T>(string name, Nullable<T> defaultValue)

Provides culture-invariant parsing of byte, int, double, float, bool, and enum values.

IEnumerator GetEnumerator()

string GetKey(int index)

void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)

String[] GetValues(int index)

String[] GetValues(string name)

bool HasKeys()

void OnDeserialization(object sender)

void Remove(string name)

void Set(string name, string value)

TK Set<T>(string name, Nullable<T> val)

Provides culture-invariant serialization of value types, in lower case for querystring readability. Setting a key to null removes it.

TK SetAsString<T>(string name, T val)

Serializes the given value by calling.ToString(). If the value is null, the key is removed.

Public properties

String[] AllKeys get;

int Count get;

string Item get; set;

KeysCollection Keys get;